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12 Ways To Make Money With Your Blog

Blogging can be a fulfilling hobby. A great way to express your passion for a particular topic. But make no mistake, it can also be a great way to make money as a side job or as a full-time career. Let’s take a look!

1. Write A Tutorial

A detailed tutorial is great for getting links and social shares...but it's also a great way to monetize your blog. There are several ways to accomplish this: 

  • Add affiliate links for products used in tutorials. 

  • Promote your own products with tutorials. 

  • Create a tutorial to promote an advertiser's product (make it clear that this is a sponsored post), etc.

2. Promote Affiliate Products

Affiliate sales make up the bulk of a reputable blogger's earnings. For example, certain bloggers made $53,000 in affiliate sales, while "just" $9,500 in book sales. In general, affiliate products with higher price points would be an ideal item. A web hosting company is good if it makes sense in your niche. Payments range from $60 to $130 per signup. 

3. Service Provision

Selling services may not make you rich, but it's a great way to make extra money and build your reputation. Sell ​​services directly related to your blog topic (such as food blog catering) or sell freelance blogging services such as writing or graphic design.

4. Write Sponsored Posts

When you blog, expect to receive multiple sponsored post requests every day. These native ads are a highly effective way for businesses to reach their target audience in a non-threatening way, and a highly effective way for them to make big bucks. Make sure your post is genuinely interesting and relevant to your audience, and that you fully disclose the sponsored nature of your post.

5. Sell Products

Plugins like Woocommerce make it easy (and free) to add a shop page to your blog. Whether you sell handmade goods, unique digital products (e-junkie is a great low-cost option for this), or other related products, this is a great way to make extra money from your blog. 

6. Create A Resource Page

A resource list tells your audience which tools, products, or services to use and/or recommend. It's a great way to provide value to your audience while earning money through affiliate links and paid placements. Be clear about which links benefit you and which do not.

7. Provide Coaching Services

Like counseling, coaching tends to be a more personal service (counseling is typically provided to an organization or team). Here are some examples of different packages you can offer:

  • Hourly consultations, 

  • DIY packages, or 

  • unlimited email consultation packages.

8. Write An Ebook

Do you have deep knowledge of your niche? Compile it into an ebook and sell it on your blog. We recommend not selling (at least exclusively) on Amazon or Kobo, which can go from $5 to $39 or more for a very short price if you already have a solid audience.

9. Sell Ad Space On Your Blog

This is the strategy most bloggers start with when trying to monetize their blog. But remember, you're not limited to selling banner ads (which is a generally ineffective strategy these days). Consider other areas you can rent:

Space in pop-up boxes, social media headers, and "P.S." Think outside the box (literally) with email newsletters.

10. Create A Job Board

Creating a job board on your website is a great way to make readers stick with your blog. It's also a great way to provide a valuable service and make extra money while doing so. ProBlogger runs a very popular job board where he charges $70 for 30 days of posting. At around 70 ads per month, he generates a steady income with relatively little time and money.

11. Sell Templates

A good template saves your audience time and money. Templates work in almost every niche.

  • Business - contract template for new customers. 

  • Fitness - 30 days workout template. 

  • Health - a 3-month template for clean eating, etc.

12. Website Sponsorship

Some advertisers just can't get enough of banner ads and sponsored posts. You crave all kinds of food. Essentially, website sponsorship gives the advertiser complete control over a website (at least in terms of ad exclusivity and PPC Management). This means that you will receive banner ads, mentions in pop ups, blog banner logos, and more.

Take your expertise offline

In closing, you can make money online directly from your blog, but it's not the only option. Serve as a local speaker or presenter using the knowledge and experience you have built through your blog.