3 Helpful Tips for a Successful Social Media Campaign — Get Your Brand Out There

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To say that social media was a game-changer for marketing is an understatement. In the developing days of new social media platforms, many organizations are rolling out social media campaigns to market their brand effectively.

A social media campaign is a series of coordinated posts to achieve a specific goal—just like a standard marketing campaign, but online. Social media campaigns are a clever and effective tool that continues to be a successful marketing technique.

If you are a publisher, a self-publisher, or a marketing intern, looking to create a successful social media campaign, here are four tips for doing just that!

Jot Down Your Goals

First things first, you want to determine what you hope to achieve from this social media campaign. Are you hoping to increase brand awareness? To generate more buzz on your website? Are you looking to keep your loyal visitors satisfied?

These goals will determine how you will structure your social media campaign moving forward, so you want your intentions to be transparent. If you decide your end goal before you even begin, it will be easier to determine if you met that goal at the end.  

You don’t need to choose only one goal either! If you are a new business, you will want to increase brand awareness, generate more buzz on your website and build visitor loyalty. An effective social media campaign could be as simple as a hashtag, a series of entertaining ads, a giveaway, or an enticement to visit your website and purchase something (like a sale or a coupon).

Plan Your Strategies

You know what they say—plan, plan, plan, and then plan some more. A quality social media campaign is rooted in a carefully constructed plan. What do you want this campaign to say about your brand? Be clever in your strategizing and keep your goals at the forefront of your intentions.

An effective social media campaign will be an extension of your brand’s existing voice, style, and aesthetic. Gather intel on what has worked on your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and avoid what hasn’t worked in the past. Which post has generated the most reactions on your chosen platform? Where can your posts improve?

It isn’t easy to guess what will start trending, but it doesn’t hurt to do your research! Which social media campaigns have proved effective for other brands? Once you have done your research, you are ready to begin allocating resources, funds and determining how you will measure your campaign’s success.

Did you see a visible boost in metrics on your website? Is your hashtag trending? Have your sales risen?

Use a Video Production Agency to Spread Your Message

Never underestimate the power of a well-produced commercial, ad, short film, or a moving video clip. A video can change the world—whether it is funny, emotional, tearjerking, or thought-provoking. While it may be easy to produce a video on your own, it might be worth reaching out to a quality video production agency to do it for you. To touch your viewers, a video must be well-made. You might have the perfect message to spread to viewers, but a video production agency knows how to condense that message into an easily digestible format effectively.

Never forget the power of social media; we are living in an age where you can effectively reach out to millions of people at once. While it may be intimidating, a successful social media campaign can be your first step to achieving your goals.

Alison Morgan