4 Strategies For When Your Grasp Exceeds Your Reach
If you’re a nascent entrepreneur, you’ve probably heard a few things about reach. You’ve likely been told about how important your reach is when it comes to your social campaigns. The broader your reach, the more prospects you engage. While there are many ways in which you can improve your brand visibility the digital era is rife with potential. The more prospects you engage the greater your opportunities for conversion. The digital age has put paid to years of “spray and pray” marketing solutions and allowed businesses to target their prospects with greater focus and efficacy. Yet, despite this many young businesses find themselves frustrated when the efforts invested in creating a witty and engaging campaign simply don’t gain the traction that they hoped for. If your grasp exceeds your reach, you may want to adopt some of these strategies…
Follow up on paid ads
Consulting with a digital marketing agency is a good first step if you’re unsure how to engage prospective customers in the digital realm. They may help you to set up a Google Adwords campaign or equivalent Pay Per Click blitz. While this can be a great first step and can help you to expand your reach in days where it would have taken you months or even years to do so organically. The trouble comes when businesses fail to capitalise on the traction that these campaigns generate for them.
Look at your metrics. What sort of people are engaging with this content? What common denominators unify them? What could you do to chase down those interested parties and push them to convert?
Know your platforms
If you think that all social platforms are the same, think again. Your brand may be better suited to some platforms than others depending on where your target audience lies. If you’re going after the youth market, for example, you may not find that facebook is the best fit for you. You may be better served operating in a more visually oriented platform like Instagram or Snapchat. A good litmus test is to keep an eye out for competitors on platforms. If they’re not posting there, you probably shouldn’t be either.
Know what to post and when to post it
Content marketing via blog posts, videos, podcasts and infographics is a great way to give your brand a voice while also establishing yourself as a reliable and knowledgeable source in your chosen field. However, your content is unlikely to gain as much traction if you post arbitrarily. You should always have a clear strategy in mind, posting relevant content based on key calendar events in your industry or seasonal holidays.
But keep a steady stream of evergreen content
That said, you should always aim to produce evergreen content as well. Evergreen content is content that is always relevant. It will never be rendered inaccurate or inappropriate by cultural shifts or technological changes in your industry. Base your evergreen content around relevant keywords which will always be common search targets for those interested in your industry. This way you will always seem fresh, relevant and an important part of the conversation in your chosen field.
Bear these in mind the next time you formulate a marketing campaign strategy and watch your reach grow!