Tips for Small Businesses during COVID-19
How has the Coronavirus taught us to adapt already?
I’ve been 1:1 Business Coaching Small Business Owners for 7+ years, and currently mentoring Business Owners during this COVID-19 pandemic. The way we now approach business is vastly different to previously.
Many business models are no longer sustainable in this climate. The virus has pushed most into a need to adapt, innovate & change both offerings and operations.
Now is the time to create or leverage your Personal Brand, show up and serve. It’s also imperative to adjust into an E-Commerce brand & utilise it to its full potential.
If you don’t have a Personal Brand, it may be time to integrate this in your existing business, or create a stand-alone brand. (this won’t be the case for all businesses)
Most Business Owners will be pushed outside their comfort zone and implement what has been sitting on the back-burner for a long time. Some will evolve in ways they had never intended or considered.
You can watch a video I created here, with many tips for adapting during this COVID-19 pandemic.
At some point we will look back on this phase as a time of innovation. It’s important to act quickly to secure your business in this evolving landscape. Depending on how long this phase lasts, ‘normal’ will most likely look different.
Many business models are no longer sustainable in this climate. The virus has pushed most into a need to adapt, innovate & change both offerings and operations. Necessary changes can range from using a Line Marking Service outside commercial premises to complete changes of business practice and operations.
If you’re unsure what to do, feeling overwhelmed, or positive although however unsure which steps to take; be sure to reach out. We can organise a time to chat over the phone to see how I can help you best.
If I’m unable to help, no doubt I’ll know the correct expert who would be a good fit for you.
Ways I can help you include :
Sticky Studio :: ecommerce platforms, online membership portals, websites, ebooks, social media plus more
Mindfulbiz Podcast (avail Spotify & iTunes)
1:1 Business Coach & Founder of Sticky Studio - Alison Morgan