5 Ways to Utilise Facebook in Your Small Business Marketing Strategy

Facebook has over 2.23 billion monthly active users, making it one of the most popular social media platforms available for small business marketing strategy purposes. However, some people are still hesitant to utilize Facebook as part of their small business marketing strategy because they believe that it is mainly used by younger people and not their target demographic. Here are some ways to use Facebook in your small business marketing strategy to increase brand awareness.

Optimize Your Facebook Page

The first step to using Facebook in your small business marketing strategy is to optimize your page. There are many ways to optimize your page, including providing detailed information about your company, focusing on high-quality photos, and interacting with followers. Make sure to choose a vanity URL that is as close as possible to your page name to help users find you easily. Take the time to go through your Facebook page settings to make sure you have included as much detail as possible for Facebook users to see you and any details they may be looking for. Don't forget this information can boost your SEO as it can appear in SERPs should someone be looking for this information.

These things will all be necessary for the next steps you take in your Facebook marketing campaign.

Post with Intent

One way to utilize Facebook in your small business marketing strategy is to post with intent. When you publish content on Facebook, make sure it has meaning behind it. You want to make sure that your content is relevant and valuable to your target demographic. If not, they likely won't bother clicking through or reading what you have posted.

Focus on Engagement, Not Followers

On Facebook, it doesn't matter how many followers you have as long as those followers engage with your content. Engagement is the metric that Facebook cares about as it reflects how people feel about your brand.

Boost Posts and Creates Ads When Appropriate

Utilizing Facebook boosts for posts and ads is one of the best ways to get your content in front of an audience. You can boost both your posts and ads when they are appropriate. Boosting an ad will help you reach people who are not currently followers but may be interested in what you have to offer. Boosting a post will help you reach more people who have liked or followed your page. If you don't feel confident in creating suitable ads, work with a facebook ads agency to maximize the impact of your ads.

Use Custom Retargeting

Custom retargeting ads on Facebook are an effective way to increase brand awareness among potential customers. Retargeting ads will show up for people who have previously visited your website or viewed content on your page. Facebook will customize these ads based on the visitors' browsing habits. For example, if someone had looked at shoes on your site, they might see an ad for that specific shoe at a later date while browsing other websites. This type of ad is more personalized and tailored towards their interests than different digital marketing efforts. 

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