6 Remote Digital Solutions that Can Help Your Business

Despite the seeming absence, the COVID-19 virus is still around. Remote working was a great benefit during the worst. But other digital solutions can also help.

Hiring Legal Business Services

No matter the size and scope of your company, there might come a time when you need lawyers. But you aren't always required to attend scary courtrooms for hearings. And it's possible you won't even have to leave your office. Modern law firms like eLaw (www.elaw.com.au) offer remote legal assistance. They can handle most aspects of your case using a complete digital solution. In addition, skilled professionals can apply modern digital technology to many parts of your case. These include eDiscovery and remote hearings.

You Can Use Digital Solutions for Contracts

During the pandemic, businesses ground to a halt for some time. However, a new way of getting things done began to get popular. eSignatures helped out business owners immensely during the worst. Throughout 2020 and into 2022, the use of eSignature software like DocuSign increased by 70%. And they are now widely used as a standard part of doing business. Although eSignatures aren't new, they helped because they are speedy and easy to use. However, they are also highly secure, using complex encryption methods for confidentiality.

Accounting and Financial Support

Like legal assistance, you can use numerous digital solutions for accounting and finances. Where bookkeeping was once a specialized area, anyone can learn to account for themselves using modern apps. Apps like Quickbooks and Xero offer easy to use programs with tons of features for the inexperienced. Accounts apps are also stunningly versatile, with features for automatically calculating taxes. And they are reasonably priced as well. In addition, almost all platforms offer mobile app versions of their full-sized online platforms for accounting on the go.

EXTRA: The Easiest CRM Apps to Use

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is becoming more prevalent in modern business. And the time will come when you need to use it. CRM helps you keep track of valued customers and engage on a vast scale. But it's complex. Some of the easiest CRMs include:

  • Salesforce: the easiest and quickest to set up.

  • Agile CRM: excellent for marketing.

  • Zoho CRM: offers exceptional AI assistance.

  • Hubspot: free to use with excellent customer tracking.

  • Insightly: not as flashy but excellent for learning CRM.

CRM can get complex as you dive into the features of each solution. Some are better for managing customers with support options. While others offer comprehensive analytics data and automation. But all of these packages are excellent no matter the size of your business.

Backing Up Sensitive Data

You can never know when a disaster will hit your company. Whether physical or digital, disaster prevention should be a key part of your day to day operations. Mainly if you handle sensitive data. Suppose you run a private dental practice. In that case, you have access to confidential medical information. Therefore, you are responsible for protecting such data on behalf of your clients. You do this with a data protection plan. First, data must be securely backed up and encrypted. And second, it should be secured off-site in case of fire, flood or anything else.

Digital Solutions for Project Planning

Whether it's because of the pandemic, the number of people working from home has increased significantly. This means your staff may not be in the office as much as usual. However, you can still manage progress and track projects with versatile apps. Apps like Asana and Trello are excellent for managing projects and employees with an all-in-one digital solution. This means a safer work environment due to reduced physical contact. But it also means you can diversify workflow and track the progress of each team member from anywhere.

Employees Can Use Apps at Home

Of course, remote working has been a godsend over the past few years. Remote video calling apps like Zoom, Teams and Skype have been used extensively for keeping up with friends and relatives. But they have also allowed businesses to continue to operate with remote meetings and collaboration. If you haven't got a remote system yet, it is recommended you have one installed ASAP. A remote system lets your employees or clients liaise with you without the need to come into the office. In turn, this keeps everyone safe as long as COVID-19 is still rampant.


The nature of business is becoming more remote due to COVID. Some of the most valuable digital remote apps include eSignature software, accounts, and court hearings.

Alison Morgan