Benefits of pre-employment screening

One of the most important things to focus on during the recruitment process is making sure that the applicants are the right fit for the job they want. HR professionals face a lot of challenges, from people not having enough experience, yet still applying, to applicants that are blatantly lying on their resume to grab attention. That’s why performing a criminal history check has become a crucial thing to focus on in recent years, it does come with many different benefits.

More security and safety

A background check lowers the chances of dealing with any issues in the future. People that have a thieving or unreliable background are not a good fit for a growing business that wants to stay out of trouble. That’s why getting police clearance for potential employees is very important. It helps bring in much better results, and it also eliminates security risks. Overall, it gives an improved quality of hire that can be harder to achieve otherwise.

Proper regulatory compliance

The Australian law has very specific rules when it comes to who you can hire. There are government accredited service providers in Australia like Australian National Character Check (ANCC) or Checked Australia that provide criminal history services via an online platform. A police check helps you identify any problems, while bringing you amazing results in the long term. Of course there are demanding situations that can arise, but it’s a lot easier to deal with them once you comply with the labor law rules. That’s why pre-employment screening has such an important role in the entire process. 

No alcohol or drug abuse

People with a problematic background can end up bringing things like alcohol or drug abuse within your business. Needless to say, you don’t want your business associated with anything like this. Which is why we believe it’s crucial to do a criminal history check just to ensure everything is okay. That alone can make a huge difference.

A decrease in employee turnover

Yes, a background check will help reduce the unwanted turnover rate. The great thing here is that you get to learn more about the new hire, see the type of work they do, if they had any legal issues in the past and so on. At the end of the day, you will find it easier to pick the right person that has no legal issues and which offers great results from a business standpoint. 

Less negligent hiring risks

The main role of pre-employment screening is that you don’t have to be liable for a problematic employee’s actions. Instead, you perform the criminal history check, see what the potential hire did and if he has a problematic background or not. If there are issues, you can easily go and work with the person that seems to be an ideal fit.

At the end of the day, doing a background check is ideal if you want to improve the quality of hire for your Australian business. Many companies tend to make the wrong choice while hiring a person because they don’t check the background of that person. That’s why a police check is imperative, since it can bring in front some important details you would otherwise miss. Needless to say, these can help protect your business from any financial losses or branding issues! 


Australian Public Service Commission “Managing Risks When Hiring” -

Alison Morgan