Easy Marketing Tricks for the Novice


For the busy entrepreneur, especially if you’re just starting out, you may have all sorts of ideas on how to polish your brand with some savvy marketing, but you may not always have the time (or money) to put those ideas to fruition.

It can be hard doing that balancing act, dividing your time and devoting it to the right areas. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks you can employ to make marketing easier, with simple little tweaks, some affordable outsourcing, and out-of-the-box ideas to help you propel your business. We’ve outlined a handful of these below. 

Outsourcing for SEO and More

Hiring a team of professionals to handle marketing, SEO and more is a great idea. And it’s more affordable than you might expect. Hire a seasoned team of pros to check your website SEO, review analytics and data, and come up with a plan to revamp your marketing to your advantage. These experienced companies can boost your rankings through keyword usage, analyze data, troubleshoot issues and problems, and so much more, allowing you to focus on what’s important: your business! 

Graphics, Rebranding and More

Many companies know that a simple rebranding or relaunch (a “polishing up”, if you will) can go a long way when it comes to promoting your business. Catchy new logos, polishing up your web design, or even unveiling a new graphic here and there can really catch the eye of potential clients and customers. Giving the eye something new to look at from time to time is always a good idea. It creates brand recognition. 

You can outsource your graphics, designs and more, just like with your marketing, or if you want to give it a go, lots of free and/or cheap sites like Canva and others make design a snap. 

Email Lists

Now, you can hire a team to do this for you as well, but with so many free or cheap programs out there, there’s almost no need. Creating an email list for marketing and promotion purposes is like gold to any new business. And it’s easy! Just install a “sign up for our newsletter” button on your website, social media, etc. You can give incentives for signing up, such as discounts on products or services, or not - either way, people will sign up, and you’ll have a cultivated list of interested parties and potential clients to keep on hand for all your relevant promotional material. 

Most small businesses swear by their email lists. It’s the fastest and easiest way to stay engaged with your customers and create brand loyalty. 

These are just a handful of easy tips and tricks to make marketing your wheelhouse. If you try these, you’ll see guaranteed results without breaking the bank or splitting your focus from the more important parts of your business. See for yourself!

Alison Morgan