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How Do I Create a Website For My Small Business

Designing and developing a good website for your business should be your priority. A website is an essential tool for communication and promoting your business to prospective clients. According to White Peak Digital, it’s important to understand that a good and well-designed website will drive people to your business and a poorly designed website will not add value to your company. It is therefore important to understand some basic principles involved in developing a website.

1. Choose a good domain name for your business

Before you start thinking of developing a website, it is important to find the best name for your website. The domain name is always derived from your business name. The domain name is how the internet recognizes your website. There are many types of domain name extensions in the market that are best suited to the kind of business you are conducting. The most common domain names for organizations include .org, .com, .net, .co, .or, .edu, .gov among many other names. These extensions are the process through which the internet recognizes and reads your website.

2. Get the most affordable and efficient web hosting services

There are many websites hosting providers across the world. Most of these Web Hosting services vary in terms of pricing and internet speed. Whenever you develop a website, it is important to understand that the running of the website should be hosted on a specific server file. The most common Web Hosting services that startups and medium-sized businesses go for is called shared hosting. Here, your website is hosted on one server with other websites. In terms of cost-effectiveness, this is the ideal plan you should take for your small business. Other big organizations will go for dedicated servers that are way expensive.

3. Choose affordable website developer

After undertaking the steps provided above, it is now important to start the process of website development. This is the process of designing your website by creating different web pages that will display your company’s information. This is a complex and technical process that requires a person skilled in website development. There are many website developers you can choose from depending on the amount you want to spend. As a small business, it is important to choose affordable website developers because you are trying to cut on the initial costs. It will however be cheap if you have some personal skills in web design and development because this might help you in cutting costs.

4. Customize your e-commerce platform

If you are a business entity that conducts buying and selling of goods or services, it is important to include a payment gateway on your website. This is a platform that will enable you to accept payment on your website. Here, your website will be configured with a third-party payment processor that will enable you to accept payment through debit, credit card and PayPal. This is the most important part of the website if you are in the commercial and retail business.

Finally, when all the design process is done, it is time you publish your website on the internet. This will ensure the website is live and visible for people to access from any part of the world.