How To Protect Yourself At Work Mentally And Physically

We spend so much time at work that it is crucial we are happy there. It’s not just about the job we do or the people we work with; there are many things that all add up together to create the ideal working environment, and if any of them are not as you want or need them to be, you might experience mental or physical problems. There are, however, ways that you can protect yourself from these problems, and here are some of them.

Change Your Outlook 

How you look at the world around you has a direct impact on how you feel. If you are looking for the negative, you will feel more down and negative yourself. If you are looking for the positive, you will feel happier and more positive yourself. Although it won’t always be possible, if you can try to look ‘on the bright side’ more often than not, your feeling about what was causing you stress and concern might change. This is an excellent habit to get into even when you are not at work, and is well worth trying. 

What Can You Control?

Not everything that happens to you or around you is in your control. It is important to remember that this is fine – it is perfectly normal and really is to be expected; you cannot control everything, even if you would like to. 

By making a conscious effort to remember this fact and by concentrating on dealing with the things that you can control, your mental health will remain more positive, and you will be less stressed. 

Change The Furniture 

Your mind and your body are linked in all kinds of ways, so it is crucial that you look after both of them. The furniture in your office is a good example of how you can take care of your body at work, and with a healthy body free from aches and pains, your mind will be more active and ready to concentrate and focus on what you are doing. This is why it’s a good idea to check out Herman Miller chairs for comfort and great design.

Using the wrong furniture in an office environment, especially when you are expected to sit for hours at a time, can lead to back pain, neck pain, leg problems, headaches, eyestrain, and more. Ergonomic furniture is important in this respect; it has been designed to put you in the ideal position for sitting at a desk and minimise any pain you might otherwise have experienced. An ergonomic desk and chair is an easy thing to fix, but it will mean a much more productive and happy workforce. 

Take Regular Breaks 

Breaks are essential in the workday, no matter what you are doing. You cannot expect to be able to work at full capacity if you don’t stop now and then to rest your brain and your body. Even a quick walk to the coffee machine or water cooler and back is a good start. 

Ideally, however, you should have a proper break room in your office. This means you can get away from your desk entirely for a few minutes (and longer at lunchtime) and reset yourself, ready to start fresh.

Alison Morgan