Important Things For An Eco-Friendly Business

As a business owner, there are many things that will often challenge you, but none as much as getting everything about your workplace correct. When it comes to the workplace, there is so much to consider, and one of those things is the carbon footprint of your business.

In recent years you may have noticed the amount of businesses going green, and now maybe the best time for you and your business to consider making a few changes and going green once and for all.

Why Go Green?

While being more eco-friendly is a necessity for the future of our planet and its future generations, being more eco-friendly in your business can do so much more than that.

It is widely believed that nowadays, if a person is presented with a decision between two companies, more often than not, if one is eco-friendly, that will be the choice of the consumer. 

That’s right; being greener in your business can often mean you are able to reach a whole new customer base that you may not have had access to before. 

Employ An Energy Champion

Ok, so while it may not be necessary to go out and advertise for an energy champion specifically, it is a great idea to have one in your business. 

As with most businesses, you may have an employee that is quite switched on to the ways of the world, and they may want to take on the role of energy champion within your business. Having an energy champion can be amazing for both costs attributed to energy, but it will also help you do something great for the environment.

The role of an energy champion should be to manage the usage of lights, power and water in the business, and they should also be able to issue you with reports at the end of each month that show the benefits of their role.


One of the biggest things you can do both at home and in the business nowadays is to recognise the importance of recycling. 

While most of us have taken quite well to recycling at home, unfortunately, the same cannot be said for workplaces. The main issue that is caused in the workplace is that people don’t see it as their responsibility.

One way you can get people to recycle in the workplace is to adopt an idea of old. If you catch an employee not recycling, you could issue small fines very similar to the age-old swear jar.

It may go down like a little fun; it can be an incredible way to get people to recycle in the workplace and do their bit for the planet.  


No matter what your business area may be, there are certain things you could consider introducing that could really have huge benefits to the environment.

Whether you are an office and you use energy-efficient computers, or you even a horticultural business that could benefit from energy efficient pumps changing up your equipment could have so many benefits for your business.

Another great addition to any business is to find eco-friendly power solutions. Having multi-points that are on timers can save your business huge amounts when it comes to power usage, which is not only great for the environment, it also reduces the amount you spend.

Reduce Paper

The final thing you can consider when it comes to reducing in your business is the reduction of the amount of paper that is used by your company.

One of the biggest costs to a business and the planet is the overuse of paper. With the prominence of technology, there are nowadays many options to help you either reduce the amount of paper you use or better still, aim to go paper-free.

The implications of using too much paper are obvious, and it’s something that’s often overlooked by companies the world over. The truth is, if all companies found a way to go paper-free, the planet would benefit so much.


As you can see, it’s easier than you think to make changes to your business that can really have a positive impact on the planet. While this post only contains a few ways that will help the environment, hopefully, it will act as an inspiration and stepping stone to help you make your mark and do your little bit to save the world. 

Alison Morgan