Improving Customer Experience: 5 Essential Tips

So much business advice looks at growing your customer base through advertisements. However, this is but one small step on the journey from potential to actual customer.

So much business advice looks at growing your customer base through advertisements. However, this is but one small step on the journey from potential to actual customer. To not just reach customers but keep them you need to ensure every part of their experience is fantastic. Read on below for 5 top tips on how to reach and retain your customers.

Consider UX Design 

User experience (UX) design considers ways to make using your platforms the most enjoyable and easiest for customers. In the early stages of a new business, you can consider teaching yourself, but it’s also possible to hire experts in UX design to do this for you. A professional company can come in and overhaul your site and applications to make it the best possible experience for potential clients.

Look at Every Part of the Experience  

One of the things these companies will do is look at every aspect customers interact with. The best way to visualise your customers’ experience is through a customer journey map. It will illustrate the multiple touchpoints of a journey to purchasing your service or product from the customer’s perspective.

Take your time over each step in a customer’s experience and consider how you can improve it. This doesn’t just include the standard website visit followed by a purchase. But also routes for troubleshooting or dealing with questions and concerns. For example, crafting an on-hold message for helplines lets your customers know they are valued and you will be with them shortly.  

Mystery Shoppers  

Employing a mystery shopper to give you honest feedback is so important. Like looking at UX design they will go through the whole customer journey, but they are also able to check things like customer service as well as infrastructure.   

 It is very important you get someone external and not have friends or family do this for you as they will likely not give you an honest opinion for fear of hurting your feelings.

A Personalised Touch  

If you send out regular newsletters or emails, try to include your customer's name rather than a general dear Sir/Madame, or ‘dear valued customer’. Sending personalised mass emails makes your business feel more friendly and will build a customer relationship. Of course, this isn’t always possible, but if you know the customer’s name, use it!

Respond to Your Customers 

This tip might seem obvious, of course you need to actually talk with your customers. But all too often businesses forget this means social media too. As your business grows you will likely begin to receive reviews online which are vitally important for how your business is perceived. 

Thanking customers for taking their time to review your business regardless of the content of the review shows you appreciate the time taken. It is also important to respond to negative reviews. This should be polite even if you disagree with what is being said. Your response should acknowledge and take on board the criticism and explain the steps you will take to ensure it doesn’t happen again.   

Final Considerations  

These steps need to be repeated regularly rather than as a one-time effort. For example, employing mystery shoppers periodically ensures customer service standards are being kept.  

 Another example is the need to reconsider user design to keep it current. A really great illustration of this is the symbol for a phone. Today you wouldn’t think of using an image of a dial-up phone as the symbol for speaking to an advisor in an app so think about what is the most recognisable symbol to your customer base and continue to reflect on this.

 Taking onboard these tips will help you to build and keep your client base and establish a successful business.

Alison Morgan