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Improving Employee Wellbeing

Improving employee wellbeing should be high on your agenda as a business owner. Why? Because happy healthy employees tend to be more productive, more loyal to the company, and less likely to be sick. By fostering a workplace culture that puts your employees at the centre of everything, you can almost certainly improve your company and build a much stronger business. 

Don’t know where to start? Here are some simple measures you can implement today to improve your employee wellbeing now and in the future:

Hire a competent HR consultant

A competent HR consultant is vital to improving employee wellbeing. For a start, they can find the right employees who are the best fit for your corporate culture, This is important because when people fit it, they are more likely to get along and foster healthy workplace relations. Not only that, but good HR people are great at resolving any conflicts that do arise, and they can help you to build the best possible workplace for everyone in it.

Offer wellbeing benefits

Offering a package of wellbeing benefits alongside traditional benefits may cost your business a little more, but it will pay for itself when your staff are happier, more productive and better able to carry out their duties.

What sorts of things should you offer? Everything from free or subsidised gym memberships to free meditation apps and healthy food discounts. If it will promote good health and wellbeing and you know your employees will love it, see what you can do to offer it, and reap the benefits.

Offer staff the ability to progress

Employees who feel like they are stuck in a dead-end job are more likely to be stressed and unhappy, so it makes sense to offer continuous professional development to everyone on your staff, and ensure that they genuinely have the opportunity to progress through the ranks. Fail to do this and your employees will burnout,m get sick, and ultimately leaver your company for better opportunities.

Cut working hours

Some business owners reading this may be filled with horror at the mere suggestion of a shorter working week, but you know what? Numerous studies have shown that employees are perfectly capable of completing all their work in a condensed amount of time, and actually, they are often more productive when they do so. Besides that, shorter working hours give employees more time for exercise, family fun and relaxation - all of which will help them to maintain good health and wellbeing which will directly benefit your business in terms of efficiency and productivity, not to mention the reduction in absences you are likely to see.

Treat everyone as an individual

If you want your employees to feel good about working for you, you need to treat each one as an individual, which means no blanket policies that would cause them problems or no acknowledging the team as a whole when you know that one person was the driving force behind it all. Treat everyone as themself and be sure to reward good work with a pat on the back and maybe a little token.

Improve employee wellbeing and you improve everything in your business, so what are you waiting for?