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Make Your Office More Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

The day to day running of an office can be busy, with people coming and going, and all sorts of things going on. There can be copious amounts of coffee cups being used, as well as lots of paper, ink, and electricity to get all jobs done that help to grow and expand the business. But what kind of environmentally-friendly policies does your business and office space have? Having some things in place that can help your business to go green is something that can help your business, save costs, and do your bit for the environment. Here are some things that you can do to make a difference.

Start a sustainability team for your office

If you have a team in place to help to deal with all things to do with sustainability, then it can go a long way to raise awareness and get more done.  Projects for a sustainability team could include starting a successful recycling program, and they could also help to inform buying decisions on energy-efficient appliances and get some green cleaning supplies. A sustainability team could also help to educate staff through things like educational sessions for the staff with local teams and waste authority, for example. 

Opt for better office products

There may not be room in the business budget that you have, to buy products that are exclusively sustainable. But you can have a focus on different areas that will have a large impact overall. For example, getting some greener electronics can be a good thing for the business. Over time, as the electronic equipment starts to break, it will stop tons and tons of hazardous waste being disposed of. 

Embrace renewable energy

If you are looking for some power sources that are more green, then have you thought about solar and wind energy for your business? Contrary to popular belief, they are something that is more accessible than ever, with different options that could work like rooftop solar installations and things like large-scale wind farms. No matter the size of your business, you can look to make changes like this. 

There are also other things to look at that can be more sustainable for your business. As an example, you could look into UV cured pipe relining for the pipes to your office. This is something that is more sustainable, as it is produces fewer emissions, uses no water and also produces no gases.

Encourage green commuting

If companies can encourage their employees to lower their commuting emissions, then it can be a really great thing for your team and your business. You could encourage some of the team to walk to work, bike to work, or look into carpooling. If you can help them to do that, like giving them somewhere to store bikes or having showers for them to use after cycling into work, then it can make a massive difference to your people in the team, and the number of people that would take this kind of green commuting up.