Mastering Your Company's Content And Tone


Copywriters can make your website interesting and competitive. They can set you apart from the rest, giving you the best chance of securing all-important sales. They can keep visitors on your website for longer. But what is it that you need to include on your homepage to entice visitors to explore further? 

To start with, you will need a headline. Your headline is like your mission statement or a promise to all the visitors who come to your site. You can discuss exactly how to word it with your freelance copywriter, but the essence needs to convey what you can offer your customers and why they should choose you over someone else. Many people opt to put their headline in the middle of the homepage, making it the first thing that anyone sees. This can inspire a sense of trust and ensure that visitors remain on the site long enough to either purchase something or make contact. Your headline needs to give assurances about how you can help people, and let them know that they have arrived on the perfect website for them. 

After the headline, it is important for your copywriter to immediately begin to deliver on your promises. An introduction to your company is a great way to continue to reassure people that they have made the right choice in clicking onto your website rather than the one above or below you in their search engine results. It should not be boastful, nor be boring and simply recite your company mission. Neither should too much information being crammed into a few words. Ensure the writing is concise. 

How Friendly Should You Be?

Communicating with your customers can go from one extreme to the other in terms of formality. Is it better to have a formal or informal tone to your marketing, or does it depend on the business you are selling or promoting? Can it ever be too formal? Or too informal? 

Although it is nice to be nice, sometimes copywriting services can go over the top, and actually alienate your customers and potential customers. Really, what you need to keep in mind is that your customers should not become your friends. You need them to give you money. They need you to sell them services. That is not a friendship, that is a business relationship, and the two should not be confused. Therefore, when it comes to hiring a freelance copywriter to complete your marketing copy (including your web content, articles, brochure, blog posts, even sales letters, and emails), you should discuss how to come across as human without being over-friendly. 

For some customers, this kind of openness can be off-putting. And it can also put you in a bad position, since it can make you vulnerable to losing money – people might try to take advantage of your friendliness and your kindness. This is why getting the right tone in your copy is so important – be amiable and approachable, of course, but don’t get carried away, as it will lose you money in the end. It is best to keep your customers at a bit of a distance whilst still maintaining excellent customer service. This is why a lot of people opt for an outsourced customer service team so that they can ensure the tone is perfect.

So there you have it: everything you need to know about getting your content tone right!

Alison Morgan