Moving Business Premises? Things That You Need to Consider

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Are you considering moving your business to new premises? Changing your business location, even just a few minutes away from your current site, is a big decision to make. To ensure your business's future success, it is vital to carefully consider your relocation options and to create a robust plan to make sure that your new premises are even better than your last ones.

There are numerous reasons that businesses relocate to a new site. Perhaps your rent has gone up on your current premises, making it unfeasible to continue there. Or, perhaps your business has grown so popular that you need a larger space to be able to meet customer demand. Whatever the reason that you have made the decision to relocate, it is always essential to think clearly about what you want to achieve from the move and how it could potentially benefit your business. Consider the non-negotiables that you cannot budge on, maybe you need a loading bay or customer parking. Knowing your exact requirements and what you are prepared to compromise on and what you most definitely won't is key to finding the perfect new base for your company. Before you start your property search and set up your business in new premises, you may want to consider some of these factors:


The location of your business is a vital consideration. Being in the wrong location could ultimately cost you sales, as well as increase your costs. To choose the right location, there are several things that you need to consider:

Footfall - do you rely on passing trade? If passing trade makes up a considerable number of your sales, you need to assess the level of foot traffic that prospective business premises receive. Determining the footfall will demonstrate to you whether or not a new location is a viable option. Ideally, you will want to choose a location that enjoys increased footfall rather than less to maximise sales.

Transport links - poor transport links can make it harder for both your customers and employees to reach you. Being close to major transport links will make it so much easier for your employees to get into work, and more convenient for customers to travel to you.

Costs - relocating to a popular or affluent part of town is sure to escalate the costs associated with renting a business premise. However, if this more expensive location generates an increased amount of business for you, it could be worth the extra costs involved. Balancing the cost of being in a more affluent area alongside the increased business it could generate is something that is definitely worth weighing up.


Along with considering the location of your new site, you will also need to consider the facilities that the building itself will offer. Your new workspace needs to be both customer-friendly and offer your employees a positive environment to work in each day. Here are some points to consider in terms of facilities:

Accessibility -  will your new building be accessible to both staff members and customers that may have mobility needs? If not, you will need to consider how to make the site accessible for all. 

Amenities for staff - does the new premises have an area for staff to take their breaks in comfort away from the shop floor? Does the business have enough space for lockers or another area that employees can safely store their belongings during the working day? These may sound like minor considerations, but they are likely to mean a lot to your employees.

Storage - how much storage space does the new premises offer? Consider whether there will be enough room to store your stock and supplies safely and securely.

Outside space - along with thinking about the facilities inside the building, it is also crucial to consider the outdoor space. If you receive large deliveries, you will need to assess whether there is a loading bay that can safely accommodate your deliveries. Another consideration for the outdoor space is car parking. Will your employees be able to park onsite? Will your customers be able to park for free? Free and conveniently located car parking is a real benefit for many customers and one that they may even expect if you had it available in your previous premises.

Relocation and Refit Considerations

Once you have found the perfect location and building for your business, it is time to start planning the logistics of your relocation and then move on to the exciting task of fitting your new site.

It is useful to start planning the logistical side of the relocation well in advance. Planning ahead will help to reduce any unnecessary stress, and help to make the relocation run more smoothly. One of the first jobs that can be started is clearing out anything that you no longer need from your current location, or that won't be practical to take with you. Starting early on, this will give you the opportunity to re-sell the items if you wish. It is also extremely helpful to arrange rubbish removal services in advance so that items you need to dispose of or recycle can be dealt with promptly without any last-minute panic.

When refitting your new site, it is wise to think about the things that worked well previously, and which things could be improved upon. This means thinking about the layout, fixtures, and fittings, plus the way items are displayed. Relocation is the perfect opportunity to eliminate any pain points you experienced previously and learn from them to improve the business and enhance the customer experience.

One final point to consider is communicating the news of the relocation to your customers. It is vital to communicate the move as a positive one, even if you are moving to smaller premises. Letting your customers know the moving date in advance and informing them of the new location is crucial to keep them informed and to keep them as loyal customers as you move into this exciting new chapter of your business.

Alison Morgan