Must-Read Books for the Millennial Reader

As a millennial, there are so many books to choose from. With such a wide selection of genres and topics, it can be overwhelming trying to narrow down your reading list. To make it easier, we’ve compiled five must-read books that every millennial should consider adding to their reading list. From dystopian fiction to biographies and nonfiction, these books span a wide range of topics and have something for everyone.

1.     Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe

When it comes to Indigenous authors, this critically acclaimed book has quickly become a classic in Australian literature. It is an exploration of Australia's pre-colonial history, with a focus on Aboriginal life prior to European invasion. Pascoe looks at the way Indigenous people used the land sustainably and offers readers insight into how this culture could be applied today in order to create sustainable societies for all Australians.

2.     The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

A modern classic, The Hunger Games trilogy has been read by people around the world since its release in 2008. Set in a dystopian future where children are forced to fight in an arena for sport, this book explores themes of injustice and oppression amidst a thrilling narrative that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout its entirety.

3.     The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This timeless novel has sold more than 65 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 80 different languages since its publication in 1988. It follows Santiago’s journey as he embarks on an adventure across Spain towards Egypt in search of his destiny - all while learning valuable lessons along the way about life and love during his travels.

4.     Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

In Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell examines what makes some people successful while others remain unsuccessful throughout their lives despite similar backgrounds and opportunities given to them both equally over time. He looks at factors such as cultural background, environment, opportunity, privilege, hard work, dedication, and even luck to explore why some excel while others do not reach their full potential, or the potential success they could have had if they had the right circumstances or resources available to them from the start.

5.     Life Will Be the Death of Me by Chelsea Handler

Comedian Chelsea Handler takes readers on her journey through self-improvement as she works through her anxiety issues with help from therapy sessions and spiritual guides (yes… she actually visited psychics). Through her story, she provides insight into how we can all better cope with our own anxieties in order to live more fulfilled lives without letting our worries take control over us completely.

Pick up one of these must-reads today

Reading is one of life’s great pleasures; it is also an excellent source of knowledge that can help shape our views on everything from politics to relationships and more! We hope that our recommendations have piqued your interest enough that you give one or two (or all!) of these books a try. Happy reading!

Alison Morgan