Right time to start a new project?
A question many Business Owners have when starting a new project or an extension of their business is, when is the right time?
The fact is… there is no right time! There never is a right time and there never will be which is why you need to just do it… just get started…
Chipping away through consistently taking small steps will make a difference. You don’t need to know all of the steps when you begin, you can figure it out as you go!
This is how I work when chartering new territory and also how I guide many of my clients through making big changes and advancements to their business. Mind you, I know the steps my clients need to take - so there’s no figuring it out along the way when being guided by a Coach / Mentor. However, chipping away through small steps in the time they have make for huge advancements and a change in business situation.
Personally, I’m always stacked. There are never enough hours in the day (I’m sure you can relate). The way that I find time to grow and evolve my businesses is through knowing my vision and having clear Marketing Strategies for each quarter. I then schedule chunks of time in my diary every week; to chip away and allow the strategies to come to fruition. Without this, I can 100% say that I wouldn’t have been able to grow the businesses to the level they are today.
Alison Morgan, Business Coach
Think back to something you’ve achieved that felt difficult at the beginning. Most experience fear and self-doubt. We always question whether we are really truly ready to start.
Do we have enough experience, enough time, enough money, enough resources?
Let’s put all of these inevitable questions aside for now. Focus on something you can do before the end of the day that will signify to yourself that you’ve started on whatever you have been putting off.
It may be an email to a particular person / company, it may be to respond to a request, perhaps an enquiry of some sort or 30 minutes spent brainstorming a project path.
Now… just get it done! The best part of this is that you have now started, which means you’re over the hardest part! Schedule in frequent timings to work on your project - we don’t want to fall into a ‘half done, never completed’ situation…!
Every single one of us has unrealised potential, possibilities which are untapped and strengths we never knew we had. To reach our next level, it’s essential to take action.
Whether you’re working alone, with a Business Coach, Mentor or Accountability Buddy; find a person who you can learn from and lean on! You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve in a short space of time!!!!!
If you’re curious to see how I can help you establish, grow & / evolve your Business, simply get in touch.
I’ve been 1:1 Business Coaching for over 8 years.
Business Owners I coach range from online, offline, product, service, start up, highly established…..as you can see, I coach a huge variety of Business Owners.
You are more than welcome to drop me an email via the link below to see how I can help you and your business!