Scam Or Salvation? Why So Many Business Owners Remain Wary Of SEO (And Why They Shouldn’t Be)

“Search,” “engine,” and “optimisation,” – three harmless words that, when put together, form one of the most controversial terms in the world of modern business today. But is SEO really that frightening? Is it the fool-hardy scam that so many people make it out to be? Or could it be the key to your business’s salvation? In this article, we’ll take a closer look… 

Why do so many business owners remain wary of SEO to this day? 

SEO has been around for decades and during that time, many people have been scammed, conned out of their money, and ultimately let down by would-be agencies who promised them the world and simply failed to deliver. 

Some say: “Don’t hate the player, hate the game,” – but in SEO, it’s the other way around. The fact is, SEO isn’t the problem. 

When strategized well and executed properly, search engine optimisation is an irrefutably powerful digital marketing tool – and something that any modern business owner should embrace. 

However, in the wrong hands, it can indeed be a complete and utter waste of money. This is one of the leading reasons why so many business owners are petrified of SEO: because they were unfortunate enough to put their faith in the wrong people. 

The rules are always changing 

The volatile and ever-shifting nature of SEO is enough to frighten even the most open-minded of business owners off. However, while the rules do often change and new algorithms are introduced, the fundamentals have always very much remained the same:

  • Create people-first content, always. 

  • Leave your black-hat at the door. 

  • Don’t spam keywords. 

  • Don’t try to take short cuts. 

  • Don’t copy and paste from your competitor websites. 

  • Update your website and create a seamless user experience if you wish to convert traffic. 

These are just a handful of the SEO “rules” that have pretty much been the same since day one. The problem is that too many SEO practitioners are forever on the lookout for hacks and shortcuts so that they can cheat the system and get ahead without putting in the hard work. 

Then, when Google invariably catches up and implements new rules to their algorithm, rankings drop, people lose heart, and SEO agencies get branded as being inequitable con-artists. 

It can take months to see a return on your investment 

Another big reason why people hate spending money on SEO is because they don’t understand the nature of the game. 

The reality is that it can take up to 6-months and beyond before you might start seeing tangible results that will deliver a healthy ROI – often longer. 

Naturally, some people lose faith and pack it in all too soon. 

Yes, when you pay for clicks you can see faster traction, but wouldn’t it be better to own your traffic? 

Because they don’t recognise the value 

Too many business owners make the mistake of letting “price” be the deciding factor when choosing an SEO agency. 

What they don’t realise is just how much work is involved. When it comes to SEO, the term “too many cooks spoil the broth” simply doesn’t work. The fact is, SEO is a multi-disciplinary marketing method that requires specialists in a plethora of fields. 

When they pool resources and join forces, the magic happens. 

Try to pay a one-man band to deliver you #1 rankings on a budget however, and you’re going to be disappointed. 

Go with reputation and results over “affordability” 

Have you ever wondered why one SEO agency charges $500 a month, while others charge $5,000 and beyond? Which of the two do you truly believe is trying to rip you off? 

If you are serious about exploring SEO further, don’t let money be your deciding factor. Instead, shop around for reputation and results. 

If you want decent SEO in Brisbane, don’t just look for the cheapest. Instead, find the agency with the best social proof, references, and a number of irrefutable case studies for you to go over. 

When you can see the results for yourself, it’s far less frightening. 

Alison Morgan