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Steps To Growing Your Brand Identity And Making It Unforgettable

If you’re a start up business you probably have a million things to do - just don’t forget about your brand identity.

You might have a premise to find in the real world or online, products to source and distribute, and advertising to do to get your name out there. 

You know the market you're in is competitive but there’s been so much to do your brand identity hasn’t been top of the list. 

Maybe you took on a ‘for now,’ logo; something basic and free from the internet. 

But getting your brand right from the start is very important too. Your logo, and associated merchandise are what makes your company and products feel real to people. Over time your brand identity will grow, and you want it to grow in the right direction. 

It’s worth noting that Branding and Brand Identity are two slightly different things. Branding refers to the process of actively shaping a distinctive brand, while brand identity is the combination of elements that contribute to a brand's overall image. 

If you’re a start up business you will be more interested in branding at first. 

It’s a bit like trying to infiltrate your way into the popular crowd at school. If you jump right in, you will probably be ignored. You have to do a bit of research first, try to get yourself noticed for the right reasons; then slowly develop a reputation. 

If you think about some of the best global brands, like Nike, Coca-cola and McDonalds; they all have simple designs and colours that are instantly recognisable. You associate those designs and colours with a certain quality product, one that couldn’t be anything else. 

These brands are also consistent, and advertise regularly. 

Spend some time thinking about what your product or service ‘does.’ What can it offer people in terms of ‘benefits.’ This is a good place to start when thinking about the images, colours, and symbolism you’d like to use. 

Know Thyself 

This piece of timeless wisdom is as relevant today as it was to the ancient Greeks. To develop an effective branding strategy you first have to know exactly who you are. 

A Mission Statement - why does your business exist? What is unique about it?

Your Values - What beliefs drive your business, this is a great chance to engage with customers at an emotional level. 

Your Brand Personality - If your brand were a person, what kind of personality would they have?

USP - What is unique about you, what makes you stand out from the rest?

Brand voice - What is the voice of the personality you’ve created; how will your brand communicate with customers? 


For start up companies merchandise is really important, especially if it’s brand focused and made from quality materials. 

People love the quality badges, pins, and bottle openers that arrive free with your products or that can be bought from your online store with a discount order. 

Be unique in what you offer so that your merch is undeniably ‘you’ and that customers remember the heart of your business. For example, companies who have Indiginous and Aborigional culture at the heart can use Indigenous Promotions to create merchandise that creates a strong brand identity from the beginning.

Choose a merchandiser who has got some pedigree in the business, one such as Master cast, to keep your brand identity on the right track. 

Don’t underestimate the importance of developing a strong brand identity from the start, and advertising regularly. Before you know it you’ll be in with the in-crowd