Systems and Processes for Small Businesses

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I’m sure you’ll agree when I say that a common hurdle Business Owners face is that there is simply too much to do in such little time…. Correct?

Working at maximum capacity can prevent Business Owners from further growth they are wanting and needing.

Through Business Coaching such a large range of businesses at varying stages of their journeys, I hear time and time again that they are working too deep in their business; meaning they are stumped at being able to evolve and grow the business as they would like.

Some leaders struggle to figure out what they need to do, whilst others are overwhelmed and frustrated with the myriad of ideas they have, not knowing how move forwards.

Staying in this mode hinders the business and can lead to unsatisfied customers and potential burnout.

The solution to this challenge is through creating systems + processes

Firstly it’s important to simplify what a system is. It’s a way for solving a repeated business issue in a strategic & effortless manner. Systems will allow you to ‘work smartly’ and give you back time.

Although it’s common for Business Owners to feel the pinch of time & stress within their workload, it’s important to recognise that you shouldn’t continue this way.

Below are 5 steps to create business systems to help you work smarter:

  1. Identify repetitive business activities

  2. Create a process for each activity, one at a time

  3. Identify whether the process can be automated or manually executed. (The aim is to be as efficient as possible)

  4. Test & analyse

  5. Evaluate & continue to refine

Whether you’re establishing systems & processes for the first time, or refining & improving existing procedures; going through this process will always give you fresh insights for growth.

Streamlined processes form part of the bigger picture and can transform the way your business performs. This WILL allow you to grow, scale and evolve.

I encourage you to take time-out in the coming weeks to form new systems and process, and tighten up procedures what you currently have in place.

If this is an area you need assistance with, feel free to drop me an email to see how I can help. I coach many Business Owners through these stages of business. They are often instances where they are time poor, have too many ideas and unsure how best to move forwards.

In some cases the business have a lot of missed opportunities as a result of being too buried in their work.

My job is to guide you on the steps needed so you can rise above your current role in the Business to achieve structure, growth, evolution and your goals.

Alison Morgan is one of Australia’s leading Business Coaches, specialising in helping small businesses grow & evolve 

With over 20 years experience in Marketing and 8+ years Private Business Coaching clients with her company Relauncher, Alison knows how to create successful businesses. 

Alison is also founder of Sticky Studio; a branding and digital design studio servicing businesses, brands and people.

Alison Morgan Sydney Business Coach