The benefits of promoting a healthy diet in the workplace

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It’s no secret that consuming a healthy diet provides a host of physical, mental and emotional benefits. Studies show that eating a well-balanced diet can improve productivity, performance and personal confidence – all essential for thriving in the workplace. 

Excessive snacking or eating the wrong kind of foods can lead to fatigue, irritability, stress and lower productivity (hello, 3pm slump!).

As an employer, you might not think it’s your job to encourage healthy eating. However, putting in the extra effort could bring huge benefits to you, your staff and your clients.

The link between diet and productivity

Here are the ways in which the foods you eat affect your work productivity.

Sleep patterns

Our diet directly affects our circadian rhythm, which makes us feel tired at night and alert during the day (for most people). Eating your largest meal in the morning ensures you have energy for the day ahead, whilst avoiding eating late at night prevents your body from becoming alert when it’s time to sleep. Avoid caffeine and nicotine as these stimulate wakefulness; spicy foods can cause heartburn, which can impair sleep. Instead, opt for foods containing B vitamins, magnesium and tryptophan, an amino acid which helps create melatonin - vital for sleep.

Glucose levels

Healthy glucose/blood sugar levels ensure that we have enough energy, cognitive power and self-control to get through the day. Ensure your blood sugar levels are kept stable by eating low glycaemic index foods, high fibre foods, reducing carbohydrate intake, controlling portions and having a small, healthy snack in between meals.

Overall health

Consuming a healthy diet can also reduce the risk of disease, infection and illness. It can also help maintain a healthy weight, which can minimise the risk of health problems like heart disease. This can help limit sick days at work.

Benefits for the workplace

Here are the workplace benefits that come with having staff consume a healthy diet.

Boost morale

Given that a healthy diet can reduce stress and improve mood & concentration, this in turn will improve staff morale. Healthy, energetic staff are more likely to feel confident in their abilities and the work they are doing.

Minimise sick days

With improved immunity & health and a reduced risk of illness & disease comes fewer sick days. This means extra working days for your business, and greater profits.

Improve productivity & performance

The cognitive, emotional and physical benefits of a healthy diet can boost work performance and productivity, leading to more profits and better results.

Reduce accidents

Stable energy levels and improved concentration can help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries associated with fatigue.

How to promote healthy eating 

Encouraging healthy eating habits at work can be done in just a few simple steps:

Make healthy snacks available

Simply stocking up your kitchen with healthy alternatives like skim milk, decaf tea & coffee, wholegrain bread and fresh fruits can make eating well easy for your staff. Offering lunch items such as salads and hearty, veggie-rich soups can deter them from going across the road to grab a meat pie.

Choose healthy catering options

When catering for a work event, opt for healthy foods like sushi, wholegrain sandwiches and salads rather than pizza or donuts. This encourages and normalises healthy eating in the workplace.

Use posters, leaflets and emails

Putting up posters, stocking leaflets and sending emails which educate staff on the benefits of healthy eating can also be useful.

Offer activities and rewards

You might also consider running events like tasting fairs, cooking workshops or group weight-loss challenges to encourage a healthy diet. This also encourages staff to get involved in the local community. You might want to offer rewards such as gifts, money or awards. 

Alison Morgan