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The Best Reasons to Use Cruelty-Free Beauty Products

Economic times aren’t always easy, and we often face serious choices when it comes to our consumer habits. In the past those choices have been purely financial since it didn’t seem to make a lot of difference either way. Most beauty products, for instance, were all made in similar ways but just came with different branding. Now, however, things are very different.

Some beauty product manufacturers are trying to distinguish themselves in the marketplace as being “cruelty free.” This means that there has been no exploitation of or experimentation on animals during the development of said products. People often wonder if such added labeling such as “cruelty free” is just a gimmick to charge customers more money, but let us explain to you why that is wrong and what the many reasons are for purchasing 100% Australian-made, cruelty-free beauty products

1. They’re Not More Expensive

Added cost to beauty products as a result of being produced free of animal cruelty is at best a fallacy and at worst an outright lie. Research shows that the average price of things like foundation, mascara, lipstick and other common cosmetic products are actually cheaper in some cases, especially at the budget-friendly end of the market. 

Only when you upgrade to the high-end cruelty-free brands do you start to see that prices increase to some degree, but then again the typical customers of those brands can absorb those price differences and vote with their wallet and their conscience. In the meantime, cruelty-free brands in regular drug stores are typically more affordable than others, so everyone is able to get on board.

2. They’re Healthier

Products that are developed without animal testing tend to cut out the more negative ingredients such as sulfates, synthetic dyes, and parabens. They’re cleaner and more natural, which means they are more suitable for people with sensitive skin or who suffer from allergies. Therefore, making a choice to purchase ethical beauty products is a positive move not only for the animals involved, but also yourself.

3. You Can Help Save Many Animals

Despite some people believing that it’s just mice and lab rats that are used for this kind of product development, this is not the case. Animal testing in cosmetics has involved rabbits, cats and even dogs in their work, all of which are subjected to painful and sometimes fatal chemical tests with things going in their eyes, mouths and more. It shouldn’t matter if it’s only mice and rats, but perhaps more people will pay attention if they realise that animals like their own treasured pets are being exploited and need our help.

4. Animal Testing is No Longer Necessary

Some people claim that there is no alternative to animal testing, but this just isn’t true. One of the reasons that many cruelty-free beauty products are actually more affordable than others is that the testing infrastructure used in their development is actually more affordable than those where animal testing is required. There are already about 7,000 ingredients already proven as safe, and a host of alternative methods including electronic testing, donated human tissue, cell cultures and human volunteers, among others.

5. You Become Part of a Growing Movement

Several countries and regions around the world have already put a stop to animal testing, including the European Union, South Korea, India, Israel, New Zealand, and Switzerland. The best news is that it is also banned in Australia. But the truth is we don't necessarily need to wait for government intervention. We can vote with our feet and our wallets and make our choices known to the cosmetics producers. When the tide turns in favour of cruelty-free, how else can they respond?