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The Self-Employed Life Isn't Always Sunny

Freelancing is the golden ticket to the ultimate workplace freedom. It’s probably for this reason that more and more professionals are moving away from the standard 9 to 5 office routine to embrace self-employment. In Australia only, one-third of the workforce is freelancing and would rather say in their position that return to a traditional job with an employer.
But if you are to make the most of the self-employment benefits, starting by being your own boss and having the opportunity to earn up to 45% more than you would in an office, you need to be able to tackle the obstacles and challenges that pave freelancers’ way. Ultimately successful self-employed experts know how to manage these issues.

When tech isn’t on your side

In any office, when the laptop can’t connect to the network or is throwing error messages, it’s a good day. It means you’ve got an excuse to relax while the IT department sorts out the problem. As a freelancer, if you don’t hire a repairer rapidly, you’re putting your income at risk. Indeed, if you can’t get to work, you can’t finish projects, and you don’t get paid. Every IT error you can’t troubleshoot by yourself will need to be resolved with a specialist. Not only do you need to keep the number of your local IT genius on speed dial but you also need a plan B for your clients.

When potential clients are hiding away

The vision you have of freelancing is only compelling if you can manage to land your first client. Piercing on the market as a newcomer can be difficult, so don’t shy away from freelancing sites that let you connect with people who need your skills. Additionally, attending networking events can be a game-changer as you can meet connectors, aka people who might be able to find clients for you! The bottom line is that it might take a long time to land that first project, but once you have, you’ll be able to build up your reputation.

When you just can’t get motivated alone

It’s not that you’re lazy. But ultimately, sitting at your table in the home office feels a little lonely at times. Some days, you can’t find the motivation to get to work. The key for freelancers is to understand that nobody can force you to work. Being your own boss has a serious disadvantage; you don’t respond to external influences. So you need to make it a conscious decision to sit at your desk and work every day.

When it’s just too much to handle

Self-employment is stressful. You can never focus solely on what you love doing. You need to manage every single aspect of your business, and that includes the boring stuff such as invoicing and admin. As a result, you’ve got less time for income-generating tasks, which starts a vicious cycle. You can be tempted to work longer hours. But if you don’t take any time to relax – by working out or simply breathing – you’re likely to develop freelancer’s burnout syndrome!

If you are ready to quit your job and become your own boss, you need to be mentally prepared for the challenges of freelancing life. Knowing how to best react to common issues can help you to build a successful and enjoyable career.