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This Australian Company won the "Asia's Best Companies to Work” title. This is what they are doing differently.

Since the lockdowns, many Australian businesses have found it hard to attract good talent due to labour shortages across many industries. They have also struggled to get staff back into the office, causing the delicate balance of wanting to keep staff happy while also wanting the team to work together and connect in an office environment.

Lee Shaddock, the founder of Shore360 knows how to keep staff engaged and he just won an award for it. His business just won the title of “Best Companies to Work In Asia” by HR Asia. Lee is a businessman from Melbourne who founded his offshore outsourcing business over a decade ago. He helps companies worldwide connect with the right talent with the right skill sets to help them grow and prosper.

We spoke to Lee about a few things he is doing differently to keep his staff engaged.

Employing a “Chief Happiness” Office

“Getting staff to come back into the office after lockdowns was a challenge, but as my offices have all the tools, equipment and fast internet that my staff need to achieve their tasks, it was necessary for most of them to come back in”, explains Lee. "Therefore, I decided I would try employing a “chief happiness officer”, and I am pleased to say it did the trick.”

“This team member is tasked with organising activities or small things to keep the rest of the team engaged. It may be something small, such as 10-minute shoulder massages at their desk, a pizza party lunch, a sports day or a family day. The idea is to keep people excited and happy to come to work."

I pay my staff fairly

"While I run an offshore outsourcing company, and many people would assume that staff are not paid well, that is not the case for us. I make sure staff are not only paid above the proposed award, but I also ensure they are meeting the criteria for the businesses they are working for in the country where the business is located. Big corporations, especially, need to ensure everyone who works for them, even if they are an outside recruit, is treated in a certain way and paid a certain amount. We ensure that the criteria is met."

Support the local community.

"Like many local businesses in Australia may support their local kid's soccer or football team, we make sure we support our communities in the Philippines, where our offices are based as well."

"The ShoreFoundation, a division of Shore360 together with its partners, provides targeted support to uplift communities. This includes disaster relief initiatives, support for local orphanages, and other community-driven projects. I believe that addressing social issues and contributing positively to the local environment are integral to its business success."

"The ShoreFoundation also facilitates opportunities for the ShoreFamily—management, staff, and clients—to unite in support of those less fortunate."

"By having a “people first” approach when it comes to your business, you are more likely to keep your number one asset, your staff, happy and engaged. If your staff are performing well, you will likely have better results for clients, which will keep everyone happy."

About Shore360

Shore360, an Australian-led company[1]  that has specialised in offshore outsourcing for the past decade, has just been named the best place to work in Asia by HR Asia!

Shore360 employs over 1500 workers. It has four offices where workers are given everything they need to do their jobs, from corporate office working conditions, reliable internet and infrastructure, and ISO 27001 cyber security systems. Lee also ensures that all employees are treated well and exceed the legal standards for the company that contracts each employee.

It isn't an Australian company, let's focus on Australian "Led"