Treat Every Delivery Like An Opportunity To Make Customers Smile

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Customer satisfaction is one of the most valuable currencies a business can deal in. If you run an online store, you likely know that already, as most of your revenue is going to come from repeat customers, not bringing brand new people in. However, your need to satisfy them doesn’t end when they click the checkout button. Here’s how to ensure that their positive customer journey lasts right up to the moment they open up their delivery.

Image is everything

Creating the right impression with your brand is key to any long-term business success. A brand isn’t just the marketing style of your ads, nor the visual components of your website, either. It should permeate every aspect of the business, including deliveries. It might not be too cost-effective to invest in anything other than plain cardboard, but there are ways you can improve the look of your deliveries otherwise. A simple branded sticker on the box can create a connection between the excitement of opening a newly delivered item and your store, for instance. You can also invest in custom printed materials like posting tape with your branding on it.

Safety is not negotiable

For the sake of your business, you need to ensure that you are doing everything to keep your deliveries as well-protected as possible when they are on the road. Not only will you have to refund any products that arrive damaged, thus losing profit, but you’re also making it look like you’re unable to deliver on your promises to your customer. As such, there are plenty of ways to make sure your deliveries stay safe. For one, make sure you’re using enough protective gear like bubble wrap and styrofoam when packaging. If you are running deliveries, then perform edge crush tests to see how much weight can be stacked on any package before it deforms and breaks. Otherwise, use delivery companies and freelancers that are used to working with online store product deliveries.

Find little ways to make deliveries more heartwarming

When your customer opens the package post-delivery, what are they going to find inside? If the answer is the product they ordered, their receipt, and nothing more, you could be missing an opportunity to end their customer journey on an even happier note. It might seem like a relatively cheap tactic, but the simple act of including a bonus, such as a bag of sweets, a hand-written thank you note, or a coupon can really carry across your appreciation for the customer. As such, they’re more likely to develop the kind of fondness for the store that can, amongst other factors, lead to them becoming some of your most valued repeat customers.

If you fumble the delivery, then the lasting impression your business makes will be a negative one, which can deeply influence whether or not that customer comes back to you or not. Invest in the safety, presentation, and satisfaction factor of the products you deliver to ensure your customers keep coming back.

Alison Morgan