What Does Office Design Actually Look Like In 2022?

Finally, 2021 saw most of us back in the office and returning to the drink cooler gossip that we’ve missed so sorely the past year and a bit. However, even as we get back into our normal rhythms, things aren’t quite as they were before, especially when it comes to the designs of the offices that we’re returning to.

In part due to necessity and the need to meet irrevocably changed workforces where they are, this past year has seen some of the most extreme office design shifts in decades. Companies seeking to continue offering safe and satisfying work experiences need to keep up with those changes or risk higher employee turnover, poorer outputs in general, and an office return that never quite manages to get off the runway. The question is, what does office design look like moving into 2022, and how can you implement those trends for the best functioning office moving forward?

The need for a homely vibe

The cold and corporate offices that were already on their way out pre-pandemic have fast become undesirable as employees set foot back into the office. That’s hardly surprising considering that we’ve all spent our lockdowns working in self-designed home offices that likely came complete with personal touches, homely decor, and cosy vibes in general. This snippet of comfortable working will be difficult to forget and means that you should think about incorporating homely essential design elements into even your corporate space, including warm colours and lighting, comfortable seating options, and even additional touches like artwork, pictures of your team, and so on. 

More space, please

Spacious office designs that enabled the implementation of social distancing measures started as a necessity rather than a design choice, but this stripped back way of working might not be for the scrap pile just yet. From decluttering through to wider walkways and more segmented work pods/private spaces, working out how to create space has, in many ways, resulted in the unexpected discovery of how to make your office space more convenient and ultimately more productive. Still-nervous employees can especially enjoy design aspects such as minimal styling, well-selected but reduced office furniture, and even wooden flooring or spotlights that help to create the impression of even more space overall. 

So you call yourself sustainable?

Sustainable offices are nothing new, but a return to often energy-burning office setups is increasingly being offset by sustainable design focuses. Living walls that add colour, homeliness, and freshness are especially proving effective for this purpose, while even just the addition of potted plants dotted around your office can make a difference. Further to this, utilising natural materials and earthy colours can help to add a fresher vibe in general, as well as helping you to keep on reducing your company’s carbon footprint as you did during lockdown.

Office design trends don’t look all that familiar right now, but they do provide a multitude of benefits worth tapping into as we move into 2022. Make sure you're at the front of the queue by keeping these themes in mind. 

Alison Morgan