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Which Social Media Platform Should You Use for Marketing?

Every business owner in this day and age knows that social media is essential for marketing a brand successfully. But very few know how to use it effectively. And who can blame them? There are so many different platforms to consider, that the choices can be somewhat overwhelming. It can be tempting to try and dip your toes into every single one and hope for the best, but this is the least effective way to do social media. It is far better to use one or two different social media platforms well than to use them all poorly.

The following guide takes a look at the most significant social media sites for business and the factors you should take into account when deciding whether or not to use them.


The fast-paced, quick-scrolling nature of Twitter is perfectly suited to immediacy. If you want to post breaking news, topical blog posts, or business updates, then Twitter is the platform for you. It allows you to post multiple short, succinct posts and you can post a higher volume of content than on other sites. The demographics of Twitter skew relatively young, so if your product or service is targeted at older generations, then you may not gain as much traction as you’d like. 


Facebook is overwhelmingly the most-used social media platform with a much wider age range, meaning you are far more likely to get your content out to your target audience. With an excellent digital advertising function, Facebook is highly effective for lead generation and targeting your posts, as well as being versatile enough to support a range of different content types. 


Instagram is a visual medium, and you’ll need some high-quality pictures or videos if you want to succeed on this platform. This platform caters much more towards companies with an attractive product or tangible service that looks good in photos, while companies who deal in software and other industries might struggle to capture audiences’ attention.


Video is becoming much more popular in marketing, and 88% of marketers say it gives them a strong return on investment. Much like Instagram, you will need to be able to craft high-quality visual content that is targeted to your audience. 


For B2B companies, LinkedIn is an essential marketing tool. It is a much more professional site than other platforms and allows you to reach other businesses and grow your professional network. It is common for business people to check out potential contacts, colleagues, and clients on LinkedIn, so it would be a good idea to maintain your online presence.


You might be wondering what TikTok is, but it is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms around and has recently shot to popularity among teenagers around the world. It is perhaps too early to say how impactful TikTok marketing can be for business, but if your audience skews young, it might be a good idea to get ahead of your competition and leverage this platform for marketing right away,

In conclusion, the intricacies of social media are far more complicated than they appear, and it can be difficult to get to grips with best practices. Consider enlisting the help of a quality digital marketing agency to help you succeed with your social media efforts.