Why Every Office Needs a Flower Service

In a thriving service economy, there seems to be a brand-new service for individual consumers and/or businesses popping up every single day. It seems this is a world in which we have to do less and less for ourselves, other than sift through various providers of services to find the ones we like. One very interesting model to emerge in the corporate world is that of the office flower subscription service

Offices and flowers --- do these two worlds need to meet so often as to justify a subscription service? The reality might surprise you. There are actually a number of reasons that offices should and do use this kind of service. 

1. To Brighten Up the Office Space

First and foremost, the most obvious reason of all is to bring the brightness and aroma of flowers into what can be a very dreary office space. Let’s face it, no matter how much 21st-century technology and advanced furniture we try to use, an office is a place very few associate with beauty and grace. Stunning flower arrangements bring a touch of nature’s beauty, as well as its pleasant smells, into the stiff and formal airs of any office.

People like to look at them, they brighten up people’s moods, and also provide a great focal point to promote conversation and cheer between colleagues. Who can stay upset with such lovely flowers all around? 

2. Creating a Mighty First Impression

Beyond impressing and pleasing the workers, flowers and flower arrangements also work to make a positive first impression with visitors. Whether you have clients, investors, or other visitors coming in, nothing works better than a magnificent and tasteful floral greeting in the reception, and elsewhere around the office space. 

3. Oxygenating the Stuffy Office Space

Everyone should know that flowers and plants in the office do more than just look and smell pretty and make a strong first impression. They also serve a key function for worker health. One such function is in the oxygenation of the room. As you might now, plants in your office (and home) take on carbon dioxide and release fresh oxygen into the air. Some plants, such as the popular peace lily, can even remove harmful substances such as ammonia from the air. 

Better air quality has been linked to improved productivity and a better bottom line for companies, too. Between good ventilation and well oxygenated air, workers tend to feel better, are more clear-headed and more able to work quickly and effectively. It can even boost workers’ memory. The pleasant environment is also more likely to keep workers happy and willing to be in the workplace, hopefully cutting down on unwanted absenteeism.

4. Plants and Flowers Can Reduce Noise

Another great function of having plants and flowers in the office is that they act as natural barriers to excess noise. They may not work as well as padded walls, but they look far better and padded walls don’t clean the air as we have described above. It’s a nice way to reduce noise in the office while keeping it looking attractive at the same time. 

5. An Office with Flowers and Plants is Less Stressful

Besides cleaning the air and making the environment more pleasant, well-placed plants and flower arrangements can also help to make an office less stressful overall. Research has shown that the introduction of plants into a workspace can reduce tension and anxiety, depression and dejection, and anger and hostility. On top of that, there is a significant drop in fatigue, as well.

All of these symptoms are hindrances to productivity and overall worker satisfaction, so reducing them is a must for any company.

Alison Morgan