Why Teamwork Is Important to Business Success

It’s all good and well having a long list of individually talented people, but if they can’t work together as a team, then there’s only so much that they’ll be able to achieve. There are sports teams that, on paper, had the strongest players, but ultimately ended up winning nothing -- and that’s because they just couldn’t click. When you’re running a company, it’s incredibly important that you’re fostering a healthy team mentality with your employees.

This all begins with the hiring process. You’ll want to look beyond their experience and skills (though of course these should be considered), and figure out how the potential employee would fit in with your other employees and your broader company culture. Because make no mistake: if there’s a bad group dynamic in the workplace, then your business will suffer. Even one or two bad employees can compromise your business, as they can result in higher staff turnover and a loss of productivity. 

Stronger groups, however, bring plenty of benefits -- the quality and quantity of work go up, and the good vibes radiate to customers, too. So there’s a lot of value in trying to bring your team closer together. There are multiple ways to do this, including setting up events where colleagues can get to know one another, and avoiding the overreliance of technology for communication.

To learn more about why it’s important to have strong group dynamics and how to do it, take a look at the infographic from the University of Southern California below.

Infographic Design By University of Southern California

Alison Morgan