Why you should visit WONDER Clinic in the heart of Double Bay

Wonder Clinic Double Bay

We can all agree that the last two years have taken a toll not only on businesses however on our personal lives and wellbeing. Now with a restriction free world, we are slowly able to welcome back our lifestyles, routines and self-care activities. Double Bay has recently welcomed its newest wellness and beauty clinic, Wonder. Here are some reasons why you should book a visit:

Catch up on some relaxation

Whilst the last two years have been draining on our mental and emotional states, we are all long overdue for some deep relaxation and self care. Wonder offer a range of massages from relaxation lymphatic massages to deep tissue massages. These 60 or 90 minute massages might just be the relaxation you’ve been needing! 

Check in with your wellness

When was the last time you checked in with your body? Wonder offer experts who can educate their clients on the benefits of colonic treatments and why they might be perfect for you and your gut health! WONDER additionally offer post natal treatments for all new mums looking for some extra care. 

Skin saviours

With mandatory mask wearing for months on end, we have seen an increase of congested skin particularly around the mouth area as a result of these mask wearing regulations. Wonder offer a range of facials and skin treatments that can provide relief to your skin and get you back on your skin journey!

Me Time 

Enjoying some me time is the perfect reason to book in a visit at Wonder clinic. Whether its enjoying a blowdry, lash treatment, massage or facial – taking some time for yourself is enough of a reason to book yourself into one of these wonderful treatments – truly treating yourself! 

Alison Morgan