4 Tips To Perfect The Lighting In Your Office

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Lighting is a crucial element of office design but people often underestimate just how important it is. The way that you design your lighting systems has a big impact on your employees and their experience in the office. The brightness of the light can affect how people make decisions or how well they can concentrate, for example. Lighting also makes a difference to your energy consumption and even your security. It’s important that you get it right, but many business owners don’t know where to start. If you are considering an office renovation, here are a few key tips to help you get your lighting spot on.

Fit LED Bulbs 

Changing to LED bulbs is one of the simplest and most effective changes you can make to your office lighting, so it’s a good place to start. LED bulbs are much cheaper to run and they last a lot longer before needing to be replaced. If you’re looking for ways to make cost savings, LED bulbs are one of the easiest ways to cut spending. The other big benefit is that they are more eco-friendly, which is a prime concern for all businesses these days. 

LED bulbs also provide a better quality of light because you don’t have issues with buzzing or flickering like you do with fluorescent bulbs. Although it isn’t that noticeable, it can be a big distraction for employees. If you invest in LED smart bulbs, you can change the warmth of the light and the brightness so you and your team can find the perfect lighting setup. 

Use Metal Switches 

You probably haven’t thought about your light switches, but you should consider swapping plastic ones for metal ones. Metal light fittings look much more modern and stylish (like these hager silhouette ones) and they’re also cheaper. They’re quick and easy to clean as well, which is especially important at the moment and businesses are still working to make their offices COVID-safe. They will last a long time without discolouring either, so you don’t need to worry about your office looking a bit rough around the edges after a few years. 

Install A Lighting Control System

Lighting control systems give you full customization options throughout the office, so you can avoid wasting money by leaving lights on etc. You can also change the lighting in different areas depending on your needs. By making sure areas are only lit when they are actually in use, you can save a lot of energy. Advanced lighting control systems with automatic lights are particularly good in areas like toilets and corridors that don’t get used constantly. 

Use Natural Light

Natural light is always better than artificial light. It has been shown to increase productivity and boost your overall mood, so your employees will work better and be happier. Make sure that you have plenty of natural light coming in, and design the furniture arrangements to maximize that light. If you are struggling to get more light in, you could even consider adding larger windows. 

If you can get the lighting in your office right, it will have a big positive impact on your overall productivity, so follow these steps during your next renovation. 

Alison Morgan