6 Tips for Sprucing Up an Old Office


Work environment has a huge impact on how well employees work. The physical aspects and atmosphere of an office can directly influence performance, happiness, job satisfaction, and even physical and mental health. A positive working environment is essential for the productivity of your business and the wellbeing of your workers.

With this in mind, there is no excuse for continuing to run a tired, old office with cracked paint, dim lighting, and broken furniture. A negative work environment is likely to make employees feel unhappy and uninspired, and their work will suffer as a result. We spend a large portion of our lives in the workplace, so it should be an environment in which we enjoy spending time.

If your office could do with a revamp, it needn't cost your business a massive amount of time and money. There are several simple fixes you could make to revitalize your workspace and create a happier, more positive atmosphere. Any investment will be worthwhile since your more motivated employees will have a direct impact on your company's bottom line.

If you're not sure where to start, here are a few practical ways to spruce up your old office.

Add a coat of paint

One of the most immediately impactful ways to improve the atmosphere in your office is to adopt a new color scheme. Colour has been shown to have significant effects on our emotions and mental state and can be used to create any mood you like. Decide what you want your office environment to convey and use color accordingly. For example, blue is often used to create a sense of calm, while bolder colors like red and orange are more suited to energizing your employees.

Light it up

Nothing creates negative feelings like dim, gloomy lighting. If your dark office is depressing your staff, it's time for an update. Natural light is always better than artificial, so see if there is anything you could do to allow more sunlight in. Reposition furniture that blocks windows or rearrange the office layout, so workers are more exposed to the sun throughout the day. Keep blinds and curtains open and consider hiring a window cleaner or glass scratch repair company to clear up your window panes and allow more light to enter. If there is not enough natural light, you may need to switch your bulbs for brighter lighting and add more illumination throughout the office by installing lamps in darker areas.

Improve the furniture

Squeaky desk chairs and chipped tables don't scream positivity. Old and broken furniture can be unpleasant to look at as well as impractical. Bringing in some new furniture will give your office a more modern feel and improve everyone's working conditions. Chairs and desks are the most important things as they will be used most often, and there are many perfectly acceptable models out there that can be purchased very cheaply.


A tidy workspace creates a tidy mind. By clearing your office of any clutter, you will enable your employees to think more clearly and focus better on their work. Take some time to have a big clearout, throwing out anything you no longer need. Broken furniture, stacks of old papers, and defunct stationery can all be recycled or thrown away. For everything else you need to keep, invest in some smart storage solutions to keep items out of sight until they are required.

Add some greenery

The benefits of plants in the office are well-documented. They can improve productivity, mental well being, and even physical health as they remove toxins from the air. Not to mention the fact that a few strategically placed plants around a room can look fantastic. Add a few cacti, succulents or other pot plants to desks and shelves to allow more of the benefits of nature into your workplace.


Add some character and flair to your office by incorporating artwork and decoration that matches your brand and its messaging. There are so many possibilities; the list is almost endless. You could purchase paintings or photos to hang on the wall or even have a mural painted, featuring motivational quotes, company values, or any other relevant messaging. Don't stop at the walls; anything that adds joy and positivity to your workplace is a bonus. Rugs, chalkboards, desktop decor, branded mugs - all of these can contribute to creating a more pleasant working environment.

None of these solutions needs to cost a vast amount of money, yet all of them will have a significant impact on the aesthetic appeal of your office, and the mood of your employees. And as we have already seen, these changes are likely to improve the productivity of your workforce so your investment will see returns in your business performance.

Alison Morgan