Coffee To Go: A New Entrepreneur's Guide to Opening a Popup Cafe

The Popup format is one that is gaining great traction in all major cities, with restaurant entrepreneurs strategically testing the appetite of their concept without the strings that a formal establishment comes with. If you have a cafe idea that the market will love, with a chef and identity to match, it's time to launch your Popup and gather the information and justification to move this forward. While the road is challenging, it’s not impossible and here is a guide to follow in opening your Popup cafe. Are you ready?

Get the technical parts down

Just because you are taking a casual approach to dining, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the technical elements firing as a fixed restaurant should and would. This can include modern and responsive POS systems in Sydney, refrigeration, connection to the water system and an alarm system that will protect these assets. Some of these features are beneficial, but others are required by law so make sure you are aware of the overheads before you commit so that your budget and licenses move along nicely. 

Build an audience before you launch 

Opening a restaurant is a risky venture, and a Popup is even riskier still. You want to know that there is an audience who is impatiently awaiting your arrival, and will make your Popup a raging success from the day you open the doors. It’s also going to be the vehicle that gets the message out about your Popup and what diners can expect. Successful Popups will launch off the back of a well-known owner or head chef announcing this launch, so consider who in your industry has that pull and either team up with them or work to emulate that influence. 

Location is everything

Where you chose to open your Popup is critical and the decision should not be made flippantly. If you have built or leveraged the audience as we discussed, you want to then research where they are likely residing or where they travel to for a meal. The quirkiness of your concept might be lost if it’s sandwiched between two large supermarkets, but it might really excel if it’s in a laneway or near an urban green space. You also want to be thinking about those technical elements we discussed and make sure connections and overheads can exist in your location. Get out and about in your city and shortlist some spots that will give your Popup the greatest chance of success. 

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Plan every step, including the future ones

What are your intentions for this Popup, and what does success in this venture look like? Having a clear understanding of why you are doing this and what you hope to achieve will carve out your next moves. If your Popup is met with great reviews and enthusiasm, you want to ride that wave and keep the momentum up with the news that you are opening a restaurant, popping up once a month - or whatever your goals are. This will also help you appear more professional if you have interest from investors and you can demonstrate what the future plans are and what success looks like to you. It’s also worth calling out that your Popup does not have to aspire to be a permanent operation, if you like the idea of a Popup being a flash in the pan - go for it!

If you are considering a Popup concept, then you have no doubt carved a nice piece of the market out and will have no trouble adapting and embracing this venture. Continue to reflect and review your plans and operation, and don’t be afraid to make changes that will give your Popup greater longevity and success.

Alison Morgan