Hacks For A Happier Customer Base

If you run a business then you will know that making sure your customers are happy and getting the best experience possible is crucial to help a business remain successful. If customers are not happy with your service they can make it hard for you to keep regular customers and it will stop them recommending your business to any of their family or friends. Making a customer happy isn’t always easy so here are a few tips to help you keep your customer wanting to come back time and time again.

Hacks For A Happier Customer Base

Allow customers to feedback

If customers are given the option to review or give comments on the service they have received then it will make them more likely to continue shopping there especially if their comments are taken onboard. When a customer leaves a review if you allow them to leave your details it is always a good idea to get in touch to apologize and make sure they are aware you have taken it on board and changes will be made. You can use things like net promoter scores to allow them to score your service on a scale, this can also be used to motivate your employees to give good customer service by tieing their score into the bonus scheme so they have some motivation to give great customer service every time. If you are not aware of net promoter scores then there are plenty of guides such as PeoplePulse guide to net promoter score and how to implement it, to help you get started with it in your business.

Learn from competitors

If you are having trouble deciding how best to improve your customer retention then going to some competitor stores can help guide you int he right direction. Go in there as a customer and see what they do for their customers and how you are treated as a customer this will then give you ideas and a guide of what you can do to help increase customer service. It is best to go to different ones and see what they do the same or similar and get more than one idea to help you out with your store.

Bring in a trainer

If you feel your staff need help with customer service then bringing in someone to train them and give them ideas on how to improve is a great way to increase customer service, this can also help with team bonding if you want to throw some bonding exercises in too. If you work within a company then HR should be able to help source a trainer, if you run your own business then you can search the internet for trainers near you and organize it yourself.

Running a successful business is not always easy so making sure you have a great customer base is crucial to keeping your business going. If your customers are not returning or promoting your store to bring in new customers then it is going to be hard for the business to grow and keep going. Following some or all of these tips will help get you on the road to great customer service and customer retention to give your business the best chance at success.

Alison Morgan