Trusting your Decision Making in Business

Trusting your Decision Making in Business

Many people, including Business Owners, are guided by their intuition. Taking the time to become quiet with yourself and really tune into your gut feeling is a magical way of gauging whether or not you have made the right decision.

It’s important to trust yourself and your ability to make decisions about your life. You are the only one who has experienced your personal journey. Because of this, you really are the only one who is fit to make important decisions for yourself. It can be useful and enlightening to ask the opinions of others that we trust but at the end of the day, only we can know if something really feels right or not.

As a Business Owner, it’s easy to second-guess your decisions given the impact and scale which results in so many of these moments which are often unchartered territory.

Given the nature of Business these days, our output is greater than ever. Technology has sped up the need for quick decisions - both big and small. We are also constantly interrupted by emails, instant messaging, phone calls…. making days disjointed. As a Business Coach and a Owner of 2 businesses (Relauncher & Sticky), I find myself having to make business changing decisions frequently.

Below are some high-level tips to help with your decision making:

1. Remember that you know what’s best for you

I very often see as a Coach that many Business Owners are lead by advice from a well-meaning friend or family member. Often there can be too many voices that it’s easy to lose touch of our own thoughts and feelings towards a decision. It often leads to overwhelm too.

If you’re unsure of your decision, reach out to a Mentor or Coach to determine what’s the best for you and your business. You must also be in alignment with this person, as at the end of the day, it’s your Business and decisions need to resonate with you and where you want to be in the next 12-18 months.

2. Meditate on your decision

This is the time to get really quiet with yourself and hear what your intuition is telling you.

If you have made the wrong decision, you may feel it strongly in your gut, or you feel a certain unease about it. You know you have made the right decision when you can sit quietly and you feel ease and calmness.

The best way to do this is by taking the time to get quiet and really tune into what your body is telling you.

3. Avoid spending time wondering what others think

It is likely your decisions can cause a bit of a stir for others around you. If it’s a tough decision, it is certain people will disagree with you and maybe even make comments.

Trust your judgement and decisions. I often say, stand tall and be strong. If your decision is coming from a genuine, kind place, it is hard to make the wrong decision; so keep this in mind if people make you feel guilty!

Trusting your Decision Making in Business

4. Get moving

When we question our decisions, it is easy to ruminate on it for a long time. The second-guessing can really bombard your thought process. The key here is to go out and do something active to take your mind off it. Go for a walk, a run by the beach or whatever it is you like to do! Put simply; get moving!

Trust the journey you are on. Take time to reflect, reconsider and do what’s right for you. The universe always has your back - so move towards what feels right for you by tuning in and listening to your intuition.

Alison is a Business Coach, working 1:1 with Business Owners and Personal Brands to help create thriving entities through Marketing Strategies, Branding and tailored Solutions.

Alison also is the founder of Sticky Studio, a boutique branding house creating websites, branding, logos, social media management and content marketing for Businesses and Brands.