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How a mobile app could kickstart your business

How a mobile app could kickstart your business

Businesses need to innovate to keep their audience interacting with the brand, especially if you are only just kicking off your business and starting to carve out a place in the market. This pursuit often leads businesses to launch a mobile app because it offers a platform in which to curate your product and service, with that experience completely controlled by what you want your audience to see and do. If you are considering the growth of your business and whether an app is the right route to take - let’s take a closer look at what there is to be gained. 

It’s an ‘always on’ channel

If automation is the future, then apps are the vehicle that will allow you to interact with your audience wherever you are, at whatever time they choose. With the help of app developers in Melbourne, you can essentially design a journey for them to enjoy when they arrive at your app, without you or any employees having to manually facilitate that encounter. That is an enormous saving to your overheads, not to mention the cost per conversion in the long run. It is also invaluable if your business is global as it will open you up to a wider group of customers that will seek further information before converting and adopting your service. Imagine the ease of having an app that serves as a call centre, FAQ and resource centre that doesn’t require a responsive approach from you.

It can be a great data tool if used correctly

If you are kickstarting your business, then you likely could do with some intel on who your customer is and why they have chosen you. Through a smart app design, you can actually extract data from your users that can be used to optimise your existing and future offerings in these early days and be in a better position after your first quarter. Now, remember these data insights don’t only come from your basic online enquiry form, but you can also do some AB testing on the app and monitor their usage time based on those features and changes. You have a captivated audience, so you can also gauge their interest levels to discern whether you need more or less on there. One key consideration to note is to be clear on how you plan to use this information and why as app data privacy is a point of contention for many.

It shows the industry and potential investors that you’re to be taken seriously

Anyone can write a business plan and even set up a social media presence, but building an app will signal to the world that you have arrived and are serious about bringing your product or service to the market and if you look at this average app development cost guide, you will see it’s more affordable than you may have thought, so there’s little to stop you from creating one. In fact, if you don’t yet have a well-established team, a physical brick and mortar presence or advertising out in the market - your app can be that tool that the industry and investors interact with before they make contact. Think of your app as a living, breathing embodiment of your brand, as this is going to more of a compelling case for investment in your business than any presentation. Apps also even the playing field in some cases, and might put you on a level footing with other big names in the market who have more behind them.

Whether or not you need an app comes down to what your growth plans are, and how you plan to enter and exist within the industry you compete in. As the world changes and digital natives make up most of the population, an app is never a bad investment, and might actually be the tool required to get the cut-through you need.