Revamp Your Marketing For 2020

Most brands are well aware that marketing strategies require constant attention and revision. Just when you think you’ve got your strategy sussed, new trends emerge, and you’ve got to up your game to stay on top.

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Alison Morgan
Coffee To Go: A New Entrepreneur's Guide to Opening a Popup Cafe

The Popup format is one that is gaining great traction in all major cities, with restaurant entrepreneurs strategically testing the appetite of their concept without the strings that a formal establishment comes with. If you have a cafe idea that the market will love, with a chef and identity to match, it's time to launch your Popup and gather the information and justification to move this forward.

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Alison Morgan
Confidently Negotiating With Highly-Skilled Applicants

When stocking your business ranks with those looking for their first business opportunity, you regularly hold many of the cards in the negotiation. Provided you’re willing to take them on and pay them a decent wage, odds are they’ll be happy with the arrangement. However, when it comes to hiring highly-skilled staff with many options available to them, the scales are rebalanced a little.

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Alison Morgan